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Overcoming OCD | The Latest Treatment Techniques

ocd treatment techniques

OCD does not go away by itself, and there is no cure. You can’t ignore it or reason your way out of the repetitive thoughts and behaviours that rule your life. What you can do and control is your decision to get the best OCD treatment.

What is OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that causes people to have recurring, unwanted thoughts, sensations, or obsessions that lead them to perform repetitive behaviours or compulsions. 

These compulsions may temporarily reduce anxiety but can ultimately interfere with daily life, relationships, and work. The disorder can develop at any age and may stem from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. 

Common obsessions include fear of contamination, safety concerns, or doubts about completing tasks. Common compulsions include excessive cleaning, checking, or counting. OCD is typically treated with therapy, medication, or both.

What Are The Best OCD Treatment Techniques?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is the most commonly used OCD therapy to treat people. It gives the client the tools to think, act, and react to their toxic thoughts. The goal is to replace negative thinking with positive reviews.

CBT employs two scientifically proven techniques: exposure and response prevention (ERP) and cognitive therapy. The ultimate goal of treatment is to transition the client into the real world, where they can resist their compulsions and welcome uncertainty rather than dread it.

Exposure And Response Prevention Therapy (ERP)

In ERP treatment, the client is asked to describe all obsessions and compulsions. Later, they are grouped in a list, from least to most terrifying. The therapist then begins with the accessible item and forces you to confront it without resorting to compulsive behaviour.

For instance, one may have an obsessive fear of microorganisms. The therapist will devise an activity that will expose the client to fear, such as touching a public doorknob. If their natural reaction is to wash their hands immediately, the therapist will instruct them to wait. 

The therapist will gradually ask the client to stay longer and longer before washing their hands. Through cognitive therapy, the therapist assists the client in gaining confidence and learning particular skills for controlling the compulsions. According to the results, it is one of the most effective therapies for OCD.

Cognitive Therapy

When coping with ERP, cognitive therapy can be highly beneficial. It assists the client in comprehending that the brain is sending error messages. Treatment will allow you to recognize and respond to these messages in new ways. This will aid in the control of obsessions and compulsions.

Most individuals find it easy to reject thoughts, whereas OCD patients believe that thoughts are continually significant. As a result, rather than being able to ignore these bad ideas, their beliefs compel them to react differently, resulting in distress.


Psychiatrists and other mental healthcare providers may use drugs to treat OCD. SSRIs – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – are routinely utilized in treatment strategies. Affected patients may not feel the effects of SSRIs alone after three months and are then offered antipsychotic drugs to help manage their chronic mental illness. 

According to studies, combining therapy and adequate medication intake greatly benefits the individual’s well-being. You must, however, only take drugs after speaking with a doctor. While it is possible to manage OCD without medication, it is not recommended. Before making any decisions, it is typically better to talk with an expert.

What happens if OCD is left untreated?

Obsessions could interfere with your thought process. These repeated thoughts and desires may reduce concentration and interfere with short-term memory if left untreated. Compulsions waste time and deplete your energy – both physically and mentally. 

They force you to focus on minor – even unimportant – matters rather than what is vital. Many people with mild to severe OCD live with it; they are unhappy but manage. However, if symptoms are not treated, they are likely to worsen and consume more time and energy, limiting an individual’s time and capacity to study, work, and socialize with friends and family.

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